Sacred Heart

Examinations and Promotion

  • There shall be Two Unit Tests and Two Terminal Exams for all the standards up to class VIII. A student absent for examination will be considered as failed. Reports on the general conduct and academic progress of the students are issued after each examination.
  • Parents may ensure that their wards should show their report cards periodically. Do take corrective measures after verifying the performance at each stage of learning. Pupils should return the report cards duly signed by the parents/ guardians. In case of misplace, the student should obtain duplicate card remitting Rs. 100/- at school office.
  • Promotion to the higher classes significantly depends on the performance of the student at each phase of internal assessment. Minimum attendance mandatory for promotion is 90%. The Principal reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student whose behaviour or progress is unsatisfactory in his / her opinion. The annual result of the scholastic year will be distributed on a prearranged day, to all those who have fulfilled all academic requirements.
  • The grades/ rank in all examinations will be determined according to the total marks of the students who passed in all subjects.
  • Any malpractice detected during or subsequent to an examination will lead to the disqualification or even the dismissal from the school.
  • A refused promotion will not be reconsidered under any circumstance. The decision of the Principal on promotion will be final. If a student fails twice in the same class or repeats a class more than one year he/she should be withdrawn from the school with leaving certificate.
  • Answers without question numbers or subdivision numbers or wrong question numbers will not be evaluated any (nor any claim) for award of marks be accepted.
  • At the warning bell, students should stop writing and check whether they have entered the required details such as their proper names, class, division, roll numbers etc on each supplement as per the guidance. The students may secure the supplements together in the proper order and tie them with the twine provided.
  • Thereafter the student may continue writing but should hand over the answer booklets to the invigilator at the final bell without any delay. No student shall leave the examination hall without the permission of the invigilator.
  • Any student found with any study material in the possession or on person may be debarred from appearing for the remaining subjects.
  • Craft, drawing and work-experience assignments are to be completed in the classroom itself either during examination or on working days, as per requirement and instruction.
