School Unifrom


Summer Uniform

Slno. Boys Girls
1 Blue half pants: I-III, Full pant: IV - X (Terry kot) Divided Blue Skirt (1st to 10th)
2 Half sleeved White Shirt (Terry Coat) Half sleeved White blouse (Terry Coat)
3 Black shoes, White socks Black shoes, White socks
4 Red Turban or Patka, school tie & school belt Red Ribbons, school tie & school belt

Winter Uniform

Slno. Boys Girls
1 Gray Woolen full pant (I to X) Woolen Divided Gray Skirt (1st to 10th)
2 White full sleeves Shirt White full sleeves Shirt (Terry kot)
3 Tomato Red 'V' neck sweater (without Design) Tomato Red 'V' neck sweater (without Design) (not open)
4 Black shoes (Plain without heel) Black shoes (Plain without heel)
5 White socks White socks
6 Grey Coat / (Blazer) (compulsory) Gray coat / (Blazer) (compulsory)
7 Red Turban or Patka, school tie & school belt Red Ribbons, school tie & school belt

Saturday Uniform

Slno. Boys Girls
1 White half pants till 3rd std. and White full pants 4th onwards White pleated divided Skirt (1st to 10th)
2 House colour shirt (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) House colour (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) half sleeved blouse
3 White shoes & White socks White shoes & White socks
4 School Belt School Belt
5 White colour Turban & Patka White Ribbon

P.T Uniform on Wednesday

Slno. Boys Girls
1 White half pants till 3rd std. and White full pants 4th onwards White pleated divided Skirt (1st to 10th)
2 White Shirt White Shirt
3 White shoes & White socks White shoes & White socks
4 School Belt & House Tie School Belt & House Tie
5 White colour Turban & Patka White Ribbon
